We finally had the opportunity to participate in this event and we are so glad that we did. A donation of $10.00 cash, gift card or a toy was the registration. |
Santa Clause himself was in attendance to make certain everyone was acting nice. |
There were over 575 bikes on hand to make the trek to Kinston. It was a bit cool, around 52 for a high, but it appeared that most everyone dressed for the weather. |
We saw Rudolph’s bike but I guess Santa was giving him a break since Santa was in the lead. |
This bike was built by the elves in a very special workshop. |
..and we’re off! The first bikes left promptly at 12:00 and just 4 or 5 minutes later we pull out with about 75 bikes trailing us. |
Just as we clear the Pembroke exit in New Bern the group starts to come together. |
All the riders fell naturally in the staggered formation. |
Local law enforcement made sure that we had a clear path to Kinston. |
At each overpass on Highway 70 we we’re greeted with waves and shouts. |
It’s hard to do justice to the line with a photo but there is at least a mile of bikes in front of us. |
The long line starts to bunch up just prior to arrival. |
Here we do the slow crawl as everyone finds a parking spot. |
The grounds are quite large and there was no issue with parking. The fall leaves made an attractive backdrop as we parked and began to warm up from the slight chill. |
And yes, Santa greeted and thanked each and everyone in line for lunch. I have always known he was real! |
Santa delivered the toys while we rode to the destination. The toys were a small part of what was collected overall. |
The local HOG chapter raised $5000.00 for the home. |
The 50-50 drawing was over $800.00 to the lucky ticket holder. Sadly this was not the winning ticket. There were over 80 prizes donated by area businesses. |
It was a 100 mile trip for us in wonderful weather and one of the top causes we have ridden for to date. The Kennedy Home is in need of donations mainly due to funding cuts from state and federal sources. You don’t have to ride to donate but it makes it more fun! http://www.bchfamily.org/helping/service/107/120/122 |
Parting Shots