We participated in this ride last year with 73 other bikes and were really looking forward to it again. We set out from home at 8:30 on Saturday, made a quick gas stop, and met up with TJ, his wife Pam, their friend Tony and Jack and Cookie at the New Bern Harley shop. Chad and Lynn were not in attendance since they had a project at home to complete. Concrete work? Sheesh… The fog was fairly thick and it was a little cool starting out but the forecast was for 80 degrees and sunny. At around 9:00 we headed for Beaufort via Havelock and Hwy 101. By the time we were near Havelock we saw the vivid Carolina Blue sky breakout with full sunshine. It was a sign of an excellent day in the works. But boy was the pollen in high quantity! |
We arrived at the Cubbies parking lot just before 10:00. Plenty of time to register, grab some breakfast, browse the lot and be ready to head out at 11:00. |
Inside Cubbies…. …and they have great food. Our thanks to Cubbies for supporting the ride and allowing the use of the space for registration. |
Just prior to the ride starting I heard there were 150 bikes. |
The ride itself covers about 100 miles. We were to log just over 200 miles for the day. Point D is close to where we and Jack and Cookie live so we had an extra round trip. TJ and company came in from Trenton so they probably had an extra 30 miles above the 200. |
TJ and Pam beside their ‘06 Honda VTX 1300R. Quite impressive custom painted graphics. |
Chrome, steel and leather. |
Can I borrow some Windex? |
Like last year we have a police escort from Beaufort to the Craven County line. Carteret County Sheriff hands us over to Craven County Sheriff and once in Havelock the Havelock PD blocks the intersections for us. Pretty sweet. You can tell Max has done his homework! |
It was fitting that Officer Owen of New Bern PD lead us to our first stop just east of New Bern. He understands the two wheel mentality. I guess that means he accepts crazy people! |
This is the graphic on TJ’s bike. Looks just like him. That’s pay back for the Harley joke! |
After a short stop it’s time to head to DC. That’s Down in the County to locals, when traveling to Pamlico County. |
Testing out the four lane into Pamlico County. |
The group arrives at the Minnesott-Cherry Branch ferry. 12254 NC 306 Arapahoe, NC 28510 http://www.ncdot.org/travel/ferryroutes/default.html# |
More than a single ferry could carry, we went across the Neuse River in two groups. |
On the North River bridge on Hwy 70 in Carteret County. |
It was nearing 3:00 and there was a lot of rumbling, not from the bikes as much as my stomach. Parking in the Post Office lot in Marshallberg. |
Fried shrimp, and plenty of them, beans, slaw, hushpuppies and a brownie. Now these shrimp were very lightly breaded, dusted actually, and that is the way to enjoy them. |
Way too full or in Down East terms, I believe I’ve run aground! |
Lots of prizes and gift certificates were donated, due in large part to the efforts of Max. |
Things were wrapped up by 5:00 or so and our band of travelers head back to New Bern. Another great ride with great weather and the opportunity to meet and ride with some new friends. Even if TJ does ride a Honda….. |
Parting Shots |
1 comment:
It was a great ride and a great day to ride! You did a great job on the blog and the pictures! Pam and I look forward to riding with you and Debbie again very soon!
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