The Daily News Progress invades community, threatens way of life.
That could be the headline but maybe replace Progress with Greed. Either way it’s a classic story of the little guys being trampled on with total disregard for rights and privileges granted by the United States of America. Sound familiar? In this case the folks in Marshallberg are refusing to accept the change and outright theft of their way of life. A way of life that goes back many generations and actually threatens what you may have on your dinner plate when you enjoy a seafood meal in the real Down East.
There was a ride organized in order to raise money to assist the good folks in the Marshallberg area. A ride organized and orchestrated in such a manner it impressed most everyone in attendance.  Max is awesome! |
Debbie and I left home at 8:30 Saturday morning and after a stop at Bojangles in James City for a quick breakfast we were in route to Beaufort by 9:15 or so. Line up started at 9:00 with bikes out at 11:00.
We arrived at the parking lot at Cubbies Restaurant in Beaufort a little after 10:00. I had wondered on the ride down if the attendance would be good for such a cause in eastern Carteret County. I had no reason to be concerned since by the time we were to leave there were about 75 bikes and about 100 in attendance since there were quite a few 2 up bikes. Registration took place inside Cubbies. They opened very early to accommodate the riders and event workers. Someone was eating chili fries at 10:15 AM!
As usual we checked out the bikes and chatted with some riders. There was a real mix of bikes in this group from dirt bikes to cruisers including most makes I could think of. This young man seemed right at home on this bike and seemed anxious for the event to begin. |
We had a police escort as we left Beaufort and Beaufort PD handed us off to a Carteret County Sheriff Deputy as we ran down 101. |
The weather was fantastic. As we ran down highway 101 it was near 65, clear skies and light wind. |
We cross over the Intracoastal Waterway between Beaufort and Havelock. |
This shot is about a mile from the Craven/Carteret line on 101 and the county line is where we were handed off to a Craven County Sheriff Deputy. This was slick in operation. Craven gets in front of Carteret and Carteret pulls off just past the line. The riders never slowed more than the 45MPH zone at the transfer point.
We cruised through Havelock, red lights and all, since Havelock PD gave us safe passage through all the intersections. |
We took the back way through town and reentered on 70 West just outside town. 15 miles to New Bern.
We exit 70 and turn on to 55 east. Just past the bridge mid point the group was separated due to the merge lanes on the bridge. Not to worry, a stop was only a mile away at the Handy Mart just east of Bridgeton.
All lined up. This stop allowed a bathroom break and a snack. Lunch was still a ways off. |
Max was on top of the event the whole time. His planning proved to be excellent and made the ride very enjoyable. Next stop: the ferry. |
On down 55 east and right on to highway 306 in Grantsboro. We were going to make the 1:15 ferry to Cherry Branch. |
Max even had a chase vehicle with trailer in case there were any mechanical issues. See upper left of this picture. |
The entire group including the chase vehicle made it on the ferry. |
It was quite a sight. Even the ferry crew was interested enough to take a few pictures. | We ride off the ferry and take 101 back to Beaufort and then back on 70 East. Here we are crossing North River. | And yes we have arrived. | Where is everyone. Oh yeah, the shrimp dinner! They were faster from the bikes to the food than when they were riding. | There was fresh fried shrimp, baked beans, cole slaw and hush puppies. And of course sweet tea. | There was also Cake. | Two of them actually. | Here Max, the Master of Ceremonies calls the winning tickets for the raffle prizes. There were a lot of prizes. | Debbie and I won two free games at the Strike Zone in New Bern. The 50/50 drawing was over $150.00.
| With the 4:00 sun to the west it is as if diamonds cascade across the harbor. Sadly, the ride is over so we make our way back home by way of the short cut through Merrimon and Laurel roads.
| Probably the best ride we have participated in because of planning and the food. Met some great new friends and enjoyed the weather. For us it was 195 miles since we live only a mile or so from location B. Almost like two round trips to Beaufort plus a little. Of course there was a rider who rode down from Baltimore the night before. Now that’s dedication. And it got him a free t-shirt. Parting Shots | | | | | | | | |
Faces in the crowd
Thanks for posting this because we forgot our camera. I got kinda tickled to see I'm in 7 or 8 of these pictures lol. It was for a great cause and I see it the same way you do. Theres to much greed and good land being destroyed to build condo's and other things. The big problem I see is that when the condo's are built & none get sold, the beautiful land as nature intended is gone & the wildlife that made the land their home has left.
Thank you for this Blog,
Kelly McManus
Take a look at the trash that is Marshallberg Harbor. Is that "the beautiful land as nature intended?" I think not.
Interesting story as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that matter. Thank you for sharing that information.
Joan Stepsen
Buy gadget
2nd Annual Save The Harbor ride is April 3rd 2010. Reg at Cubbies 9-11, leaving Cubbies at 11am. Questions (252)342-5520
So glad to hear that the harbor was preserved for everyone. My grandmother was one of the original signatories of the easement and I am proud that her name appears on the sign at the head of the harbor. Truth, justice and the American Way have prevailed. Thanks be to God.
Steve Walence
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