Most of us have a camera and have several favorite shots we have taken over the years. The picture may be slightly out of focus and gives that hint of softness. It may be that harshly back lit shot that gives the unexpected but quite impressive silhouette. A favorite shot doesn't have to be photographically perfect or even close but it does have to be that special person, place or thing that gets the memories running. I have many favorite photos and the majority of these were intentional but there are numerous ones that were accidental. To me a picture captures that one fleeting instant in time and if it's not captured, it's gone. I thought I would share some of my personal favorites and include a short description with each. I hope you enjoy.
New BeginningsUnion Point, New Bern, NC
Some mornings I leave for work a little early just to see things like this. It sure starts the day off right.
Watching For PiratesEast Front Street, New Bern, NC
As a young boy I read all I could on pirates. I can almost see the Queen Anne's Revenge with sails set in this shot.
Sunlight Down The HallwayChowan County, NC
I can remember the sunlight down the hallway and the smell of fried chicken.
Storm a Comin'Bridgeton, NC
June of '06 when an unusually strong cold front blew through very fast.
TranquilityTrenton, NC
I rode by this lake near Trenton hundreds of times over the years in a car and never stopped. We were riding the motorcycle one day when Debbie pointed. We turned around....
Fishin' BuddyWinston-Salem, NC
This is our son Allan's Wolf/Shepard mix Reka (short for Eureka).
Bitten By The Electra Glide BugCripple Creek, Colorado
Mike (tall guy on right) and I rented a couple of Electra Glides while we were in Colorado. That's why I own one today.
MoodyWinston-Salem, NC
This was a late evening shot and I enhanced the natural colors a bit with Photo Shop.
Mr. CooperCooper's Hawk
Craven County, NC
This was in the fall of 05. We were mulching leaves with the riding mower and the hawk would swoop down periodically and grab lizards and insects. He didn't seem to mind us a bit.
City HallNew Bern, NC
I always liked the architecture of the old building, inside and out. This was a 12 second exposure one fall evening in 2005.
SymmetryLawson Creek, New Bern, NC
This is one of those shots that screamed out "Take me."
Ghost ShipUnion Point, New Bern, NC
I was ridng accross the bridge one morning and noticed the massive fog bank. The fog bank open up for about 15 seconds and revealed this sailboat giving me time to take five shots. Never saw it again. Hmm.
A Quiet NightEast Front Street, New Bern, NC
This is a 15 second exposure due to the low level of lighting and it returned an incredible amount of richness.
Christmas Cactus
In 2006 it was fairly warm right up until early December. This was the last day the Christmas Cactus was on the back porch. The blooms are really small and I couldn't resist a little macro action.
I see you have some of your photos on Wunderground. Good shots. Do you like photographing people or just scenes and objects.
Ted from Houston
I prefer scenes and objects since there are so many opportunities to enhance or alter the image. I have a few favorites of people but those are black and white. I seem to be leaning more toward people as I get older.
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